Who can forget Lewis’s, Woolworths and C&A? They are the shops we remember in Blackpool.
In the age of online shopping, these photos look back at Blackpool‘ s town centre, some in the run up to Christmas during the 1990’s and 2000’s.
They show packed streets and shops as people grabbed those last minute gifts or headed to the January sales. Tills were jingling with cash, the rails were stocked to the brim with partywear and shops, like Woolworths, were the places to go for children’s toys, Christmas cards, wrapping paper and the last music albums and singles. Other pictures show some of the shops loved and lost as well as capturing how the high street was changing during those time as the onset of online shopping and out of town retail parks took hold.

4. Town centre shops of the nineties and noughties
Church Street Blackpool in 2006 – The Works book shop is prominent in this picture

5. Town centre shops of the nineties and noughties
Shopping on December 20 2004 – busy times in the Houndshill

7. Town centre shops of the nineties and noughties
The final day of Woolworths in 2008. The store played an important part in everyone’s Christmas shopping trips

8. Town centre shops of the nineties and noughties
Shopping for clothes in a sale at C&A in 2001

10. Town centre shops in the nineties and noughties
The block of shops and the Galleon pub were on the block between Coronation Street, Tower Street, and Adelaide Street Blackpool in 2006. At the times they were under a demolition order as part of the Houndshill redevelopment

11. Town centre shops in the nineties and noughties
A view of Church Street looking towards the promenade and Market Street from Grand Theatre door 2007. British Home Stores is on the right and the Abbey (bank) on the corner of Corporation Street. On the left is Clarks shoe shop.

13. Town centre shops in the nineties and noughties
This was the scene in 2007 in Victoria Street when empty shops plagued Victoria Street

14. Town centre shops in the nineties and noughties
Junction of Church Street and Coronation St in 2003. Beaverbrooks is still there.

17. Town centre shops of the nineties and noughties
View of Market Street, Leonard Dews on the left corner , BHS on the right